News and views in the 18th District

As an elected Republican PCO in the 18th, I've got a few views on what's happening, how, by and to who. This little effort will detail many of them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The "Old Boy" Network and the Clark County GOP.

The world is certainly run by those who actually show up. And unfortunately, we frequently suffer because of it.

Over on the CCRP web site, this bit of nonsense is up on the calendar:


Republican and business owner, Tani Zarelli asked the CCRP to let grassroots Republicans know about this opportunity to travel to Israel. The Clark County Republican Party is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this trip, however we are glad to be able to make you aware of the opportunity. Here is Tani Zarelli's message:

Dear Grassroot America,

Recently, our nation and the Jewish people where spared from a terrorist attack. I for one was glued to the TV waiting to hear if it was real. Sadly, it was! Our nation changed with the first terrorist attack on 9/11. We have a responsibility to educate ourselves about the mind of the those who wish to do us harm, learn about ways to protect our nation and understand the issues surrounding terrorism.

I am inviting Grassroots America to join me an one of the most important trips of your life! Please visit this link for an important message and to learn how to register for this trip.

Tani Zarelli
Connecting You To Israel

Note the last name: Zarelli.

Joe Zarelli is a state senator. Tani Zarelli is a.... wife to Joe.

This "notice" is an advertisement. The Clark County GOP is making absolutely nothing off of this.

The ONLY reason this is on the GOP web site... and it shouldn't be.... is because of who Tani Zarelli is: namely, wife to a GOP state senator... who, apparently, wants to make money off us.

Now, I have no problem with Zarelli or anyone else advertising their private business on our website.

But they should pay for the privilege.

I have emailed Ryan Hart over this; as expected, the idea that he would not allow special treatment for his buddies is simply beyond him.

I sent his email to him on September 22:.

This represents a profit-making enterprise for the Zarellis. Why are we shilling this on the GOP web site?


It has precisely nothing to do with the Clark County GOP. So why is this up on our web site, and why were they allowed to send this out using the CCGOP net?


February 4th - February 16th, 2011 Political Insiders Tour to Israel

Join Tani Zarelli on a Political Insiders Tour to Israel February 4th-16th, 2011 On September

This was the response:

Hi Kelly,


The February trip to Israel and its itinerary is designed specifically for Republicans. Support for Israel is a Republican Party Platform issue.


Many Republicans are interested in what is happening in the Middle East, and more specifically Israel. This is a great opportunity for folks to travel to Israel and see for themselves what is going on.


We regularly promote events from outside groups that are targeted to Republicans or of interest to Republicans.




Much like his excuses for having endorsed Ridgefield Barbie during a heavily contested primary, Ryan misses the point.

While we may "regularly promote events from outside groups" (Zarelli's business is certainly not a group) I have a hard time finding many other business advertisements for for-profit, private entities that we "promote."

Does anyone reading this really believe that Zarelli will put anyone with a check through some sort of ideological purity test to let them go along on this trip?

Of course not. If Dan Ogden wanted to go, and he could pay for it, does anyone here believe for a second that Tani wouldn't take his check and Dan along on this "adventure?"

This is a symptom of the disease infesting the CCGOP. "Right and wrong" don't seem to have any place there. The concerns of others? Ignored. Those who disagree? Attacked behind their backs. (Right, Anna?)

The lack of a policy for this kind of thing, leaving it entirely up to "Friends of Joe" as to whether or not to run an ad, is a symptom of the clueless leadership that resulted in a something much less then stellar outcome in the most recent election.

Clearly, the Party organization has so much money laying around that when a private, for-profit concern wants to use OUR web site that they pay NOTHING for, why, that's just swell, if those running the show may presumably say, with a straight face, that it's "specifically for Republicans."

It isn't, of course. And while the Zarelli's make a pile, the Party apparently doesn't make a dime.

Now THAT'S leadership. And vision. And competence.

Is it any wonder that Republicans in this state couldn't take any advantage of the GOP Tsunami that seemed to do so much everywhere else?

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.

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